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Getting the most out of 2016

It feels like we are hurtling in great speed towards Christmas- you can feel momentum and stress building, lists being written and calendars booked...full. Some have a wide eyed fear at the mere mention of the C word and others in a zombie like state acknowledge that finally they might get a break....before it all starts again...

2016 has been well, quite a year for it seems like all. Curve balls, health issues, plans coming unstuck and just terrible terrible luck. So if you feel like you are in this boat you are certainly not alone.

However lets not wish the days away and lets truly embrace this wonderful time of year!

Its really amazing how super easy it really is to look after yourself at this time of the year we just have to breathe!!!

Firstly- make sure you have time for rest and recovery- come to a class, read a book in the sun, go for a walk up the quarry, sleep!! Remember rest and recovery is not partying!! socializing is great just remember everything in moderation!

Drink your water. Enough said!

Fuel your body well, have vege packed breakfasts to set you up for a great day- and to help balance out the morning teas and BBQ's keep up on your snacks they wil keep you going and help with those cravings of the yummy treats that seem to surround us at this time of the year.

Move. Walk, come to class. dance, get out in nature it certainly is the time of year.

A wise teacher reminded me last week that when you least feel up to coming to class that this is when you truly need it. Make you helalth your priority and you family, friends and even work will thank you for it.

Lastly enjoy. Its awesome seeing gardens bloom, kids running around outside and the sheer energy of this time of the year- please avoid wishing your life away and have a wonderful festive season :)

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