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We need your help to help more

Do you want to become part of our network list?

As of next week we will be offering our network list out to those (aka you! and your fellow students) of who they can contact with if they need specific help. We have identified the following areas of need:

  • Financial- we need people that understand accounting, book keeping, the current financial options and support available who have the ability to take on referrals

  • Psychological/emotional- we need people that are qualified to assist with people struggling emotionally through this situation and need extra assistance who have the ability to take on additional referrals or refer to other professionals/networks

  • Support- some workplaces and homes are essentially under 'the pump' if you have available skills that may be required such as admin, technical or practical such as cleaning/cooking/transport/gardening and are able to help

  • A break- if you offer safe accommodation and/or entertainment that will assist people just needing a break

  • If you foresee that we are missing a specific skill set that you can provide please let us know!

Feel free to share this info with friends or family


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