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Happy Birthday to Us

This year Adapted turns 5!

It has certainly been a huge 5 years for everyone involved.

Here is the legend of how Adapted came to be.

To be fair, where we are now was never planned or expected, and has really taken us all by surprise!

Approximately 6 years ago Jeremy and I got the surprise of our lives. After five years of struggling to get pregnant (including surgery, a big scare and lots of testing, etc!) we were lucky enough to become pregnant with our miracle child, Sophie.

Over the coming months of pregnancy it became more and more important to create a balance of being able to parent our miracle baby and work, and crazily enough, 6 weeks after our wonderful Sophie was born I decided to start teaching a few classes in the garage at home.

I went out and invested $37 on some second-hand carpet, purchased some $5 Warehouse mats and hung up some sheets and curtains to create a relaxing and luxurious 5-star yoga studio experience. OR not!!

From hanging salami (I know...not very yogic) to children turning on the dryer, towels rolled underneath the door to stop the draughts and the gas heater adding a alluring aroma...Adapted was formed.

My wonderful antenatal group were an amazing source of support and feedback and were somewhat willing (???) crash test dummies!

We had fun and created a support network for everyone that joined us. We grew stronger and more flexible and even more relaxed throughout that cold winter!

Somehow our numbers grew to where we moved to the majestic St Lukes Church in Halswell. I had no car so daily would load up the buggy with Sophie, some mats, a swiss ball and hook Chuck (our Huntaway, who sadly loves to dig...) on and away we would all go to class. I can honestly say I have no idea how we did it!

Aunty Trish, thank goodness, stepped in and helped with the tag team between me and Jeremy with late work finishes and early class starts. To be honest, often Sophie would be eating her tea in class (a.k.a. causing a ruckus) when Jeremy would come and pick her up when he finished work.

Life was hectic. It was hard. It was busy. I still have no idea how we survived. It was awesome!

Somehow, we got pregnant again and I GOT A CAR!!!

So it came to a huge decision that I wouldn't be able to teach all of our classes, and we hired and trained our first teachers. I can honestly say it was a huge learning curve for everyone involved!

Tara and Letesha were amazing and we all learnt a huge amount from each other. Sleep was overrated as Soph had sleep apnea, and Adapted needed my love and attention as well, just so that my teachers could get paid and people still had classes to come to.

Then Jack arrived and changed our lives forever. Sleep was even more overrated than before and the delights of reflux overwhelmed our family for the next year. Having our hire fee tripled nearly crippled us, and we made the decision to move to the Halswell Community Centre, which essentially became the up and up of Adapted.

Balancing two small children, a marriage, two businesses and a full-time job was nearly too much. I can honestly say that there were many times that I just wanted to give up. Everyone told me to just close the doors on Adapted. If only there were actual doors!

We have survived fires, earthquakes, floods and many, many, many of my own mistakes.

Throughout this we have developed workplace programmes, a Yoga Teacher Training Programme, become the first Strength and Balance provider in CDHB, the first REPS accredited studio in NZ, expanded to 50+ classes a week and a strong personal training base, along with an awe-inspiring community that supports each other and our wider Canterbury community.

Although it has been hard, challenging, scary and draining, watching Adapted grow and essentially trying to hold on for the ride has been exhilarating and wonderful.

I have been surrounded by kind, caring and inspirational people. Getting to spend time learning about each and every one of you, drawing out your best has been a true gift. Growing and developing the most amazing team that we have standing beside us right now has been amazing; from introducing them to Yoga and Pilates years ago to now seeing their amazing potential as teachers, through to watching our diamonds really shine. One of the things that I am most excited about is that we can now provide our teachers with a full-time salary which provides them with a true acknowledgement of their professionalism and choice of career path (along with stability of course!).

I guess what I am trying to say is that I am unbelieveably lucky.

I get to be part of something that is so amazing and changes so many peoples' lives. I get to spend my time all day with people I love, respect and enjoy being around. I get to help others and they help me.

Success is in the eye of the beholder. Kindness, hard work and courage are the key ingredients to success. Gratefulness is the reward.

Thank you so much.

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